Ideas and Coffee at 3.47 AM
Some half baked beans... Tao, Zen and the art of converting coffee into ideas...
A call to all who love Microsoft
I listen to podcasts. I have been listening to them for about 5 years or so now. Perhaps a little over. My first few were podcasts were HanselMinutes by Scott Hanselmann and DotnetRocks by Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell. Throughout these 2 have been my favorite. And the single reason is that they enjoy their conversations the most. It shows that they love technology, they love the products and the enthusiasm is all over the show. I love these shows because I share the enthusiasm with them.
Episode 0: Shabby’s Nightmare
There was a time when I used to hate reading. I still do. But not everything. And thankfully what I like reading, I made a career out of… More here…
The Underscore Naming Convention for Private Variables in C#
Many a time you must have come across the underscore naming convention while reading books or articles on any C# based Microsoft technology. Although as per the standard naming convention private variables should be camel case. But you still see they start with an underscore. Such as “_categoryManager”. Have you ever wondered why?
Outlook and live messenger stop working simultaneously
Error Message: “There was an error synchronizing your folder hierarchy. Error: 80041004”.
Talking to Master Yoda… or Master Oogway…
“Why do you always start off a project with a database design?”, Vivek asked. It was around
10.30 PM Monday. Vivek had come on Google chat, first time ever. His girlfriend, apparently, wanted him to talk to me. I don’t remember talking to Vivek on any IM before that day. I was telling him about a personal project I was working on. I had told him about 2 more projects that I had started in the past, which are on the verge of completion. And every time he had heard me saying I am working on the database. More here…
Visual (pronounced as ‘versatile’) Studio 2010 Productivity Power Tools
“Only the naive use no tools. The enlightened one knows exactly which tool is to be used”. And behold…!!! the tools just got smarter, more intuitive with the Visual Studio 2010 productivity power tools. I am not going to… More here…
Talking the old fashioned way
The internet has given mankind something that could make him an equivalent to the Gods. The easily accessible knowledge repository that it is, is just the tip of the iceberg. There was some research somewhere that the mental development of apes and humans is equal until the human child learns to talk. Internet is perhaps in the communication world what the nuke is in the weapons world.
Knowledge truly is the ultimate power…
They say that knowledge never goes a waste. Although sometimes you might feel a little “not so fruitful” about certain things that you might have done in the past or things that you are doing currently, but trust me, if you are willing to wait a while, you will realize that it will come handy.
Security Essenitials and Defender
Note: I am slowly moving my blog to Please check my blogs there and update your RSS feeds. Thanks.
My new machine... Beginning of my command stations...
Note: I have a new blog and I am posting more frequently there than I am here.