
Archives / 2010 / January
  • Using Ionics Isapi Rewrite for ASP.NET MVC in IIS 6

    If you are running IIS6 and want to deploy an ASP.NET MVC app it is a royal pain in the behind. Pretty URLs ( instead of aren’t supported out of the box. There are several solutions to this problem. First, you can still use MVC with IIS6 out of the box and just append .mvc to all of your files. This approach works, but you lose the nice URLs. Second, you can add a wildcard mapping that processes EVERY resource in a website through the ASP.NET ISAPI dll (images, css files, javascript, everything!) There is a known performance hit with this method and I found it to be quite noticeable when I tried it. Third, you can configure a URL re-writing module that will enable pretty URLs and do so in a well performing manner.

  • GridView in ASP.NET MVC

    One of the controls that it seems like everyone in the ASP.NET community is most concerned about losing when switching to ASP.NET MVC is the ubiquitous GridView control to render grid based data. Fear not ASP.NET community there is a GREAT alternative that, in my opinion, has a lot more to offer than the GridView in terms of user experience.