
Archives / 2009 / February
  • Configure SQL Server 2008 for File Stream

    Well, from past two days I am working on SQL Server 2008 new feature called File Stream. In the period of SQL Server 2005 when we want to store some files to the database we can have that using varbinary(max) but that approach is not either smart nor popular amongst the developers. So, many developers like me wants to store images on any physical location and keep the file location in the table. But, that have issues too, what if somebody delete the files from physical location ? will  file entries in the database also deleted and what if somebody deleted the records using t/sql will the files on the physical location also deleted.

    In nutshell, both the previous approaches have issues. So, this File Stream data type can replace the problem we had before. It will save the file to the physical location and store the stream of of that file to the table. In my opinion, that is the smart approach.

    So, let us dig down and see how can we configure file stream to the new SQL Server 2008 instance , Database and then Table.

  • How to Group by Just Date Portion Of DateTime Field

    There are times when we need to group by the table with the date. But Datetime field also contain time part which is very deep. So, there is no way you can group by datetime field and see correct records because it will group by including the time portion of DateTime field.

  • Installing SQL Server 2008 Express

    Currently, by the time I am posting this stuff SQL Server 2008 is in CTP. And off course, it has several installation issues. For the very first time, when I sit for the installation of SQL Server 2008 Express believe me I run the setup up to four times. So let me share with you, you must need to have the following items installed on your system.

  • Prevent Request Timeout in

    In one of our application we want our user to upload data up to 1GB and the most interesting part is we want this uploading via HTTP. I mean, we have plan to use FTP but that is for future. For now we need to make it with HTTP.

  • Passing Parameter To User Control On A Modal Popup

    This is the most demanded scenario for the one who are using AJAX Control Toolkit, I mean I have seen most of the people asking for this feature on forum.

    Unfortunately, we have no such functionality provided in Modal Popup because the control get rendered once the page is loaded and the Modal Popup is just a JavaScript which work is just to display a div which is hidden.

  • Disable Control When AJAX is in progress

    If the AJAX call to the server take too much time, then there is a possibility that user might press some other buttons or some other event occurred which will cause your AJAX call to stop and make a new request.

    To overcome this situation, I decided to have div on the top of the page so that while AJAX call is in progress user cannot do any thing else.