Contents tagged with

  • Get Column name From Stored Procedure

    The requirement of the day is to extract the name of the columns returned by procedures. Stored Procedures are dynamic that is why we need to create a function that takes Stored Procedure name as parameter and return the column names in string. So here is the quick snippet for that

  • Long Waited Task in

    Yesterday, one my my friend ask me a query about sending some 500+ emails using an page. Sending bulk email using is obviously an issue. I mean, You cannot keep the page on the post back state for the five minutes. Your page will get expired and even if you increase the Request Timeout period it is still not a good approach.

  • Prevent .js caching in

    This is like a very common issue, specially for those who are working on public site which is live and they have to release the builds every week or month and if the new build contain JS files then your change will not reflect on the client browser until someone there presses ctrl + F5.