IRepository interface.

 First of all I'd like to remark that I'm not following PoEA Repository pattern. I just like this name! =)

Repository and Dao interfaces still remains hot topic today. While developing my last ASP.NET MVC application I've created my own interface, which I think suits best for me.

    public interface IRepository
        IQueryable<T> CreateQuery<T>() where T : class;
        void Execute(Action<IPersister> action);

    public interface IPersister
        void Delete<T>();
        void SaveOrUpdate<T>();

The most thing I like here is that I can hide transaction management in execute method implementation by wrapping Execute method delegate in "using transaction block" with try.

Sketch implementation of Execute method.

void Execute(Action<IPersister> action);


            using (var transaction = this.session.BeginTransaction())
                catch (Exception)


 What you think of that? Please leave a comment.


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