Contents tagged with SharePoint

  • Taming the SharePoint Wiki

    Our current project team decided to post development documents, guidelines, specs etc in a SharePoint site dedicated to project. We also decided we would try a Wiki to post coding standards and best practices, samples, tips on using certain WPF controls etc.

  • WATIR under the bridge (Proxy)

    Hit this today attempting to install WATIR on my current development box. The domain has a proxy server that has only occasionally caused me issues, but now I was unable to use gem to install WATIR unless I could configure the proxy. The correct syntax was harder to find than I expected, so I thought I would capture it here:

  • Setting up remote debugging on 2003 and 2008 server

    For a long time I have wanted to be able to do this without it being a 2 day ordeal, or having to beg IT to open up some ports etc. Seems to me the last time I looked this was a lot harder than it is now. Has it gotten easier or did I just assume it was annoying and not really consider it? Not sure, but it has been a real life-saver on recent projects, especially SharePoint. Here are the links that got me up and running quickly.

  • SharePoint - The New Oracle

    I was posting a WPF question on stackoverflow and I took a few minutes to tie up loose ends on a question I had asked back in September about how to best go about developing web parts for SharePoint as an ASP.NET developer. I was just getting started out with rough proto-types of what the client was requesting and was doing all my mock-ups in ASP.NET web forms. I didn't want to be "slowed down" by any SharePoint learning curve. I was comfortable in ASP.NET and just wanted to be able to deploy my ASP.NET user controls into SharePoint and not get my hands dirty actually learning SharePoint. I asked the question hoping for a quick work-around that would fit my needs. So here I am 3 months later, a SharePoint survivor. Question is: would I start the same way if I had it to do again?

  • My SharePoint "Soylent Green" Moment

    When you first start working with SharePoint, like any other new (to you) technology, you turn on the fire hose and start drinking down all the books patterns, samples and articles you can find. The SharePoint learning curve, which forms roughly a 90 degree angle to your former path of progress, is bigger than most. Perhaps because of that, or perhaps because it provides a convenient excuse, you tend to swallow down whole patterns and ways of thinking about web development that may be contrary to how you would approach normal ASP.NET development.

  • GridView.AlternatingRowStyle -- lacking style

    Ran into this issue today in a SharePoint WebPart that was using the SPGridView to display a list of items. However, the underlying issue is with the base System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView Control and how it handles the various ways you can set style attributes on the rows in the grid. So this information will apply equally in ASP.NET as well as SharePoint GridView controls.