Retina.NET v1.0.7 Prerelease Published

Tags: ORM, Retina.NET

I'm just uploaded to the Retina Workspace at GotDotNet a prerelease version of Retina.NET v1.0.7 (build 2) for testing and feedback from the community.

It's a source only release, and although the core of Retina.NET is finished, I still have to work some more in some DataProviders, samples and documentation. DataProviders MSSQL, MSSQL2005 and SharpHsql are complete and ready for you to test and use. Other DataProviders lacks Criteria Paging and version control features that will be implemented shortly.

The assemblies now use "Delay Sign" for their strong name, and because the sources do not include the private key you must use the included "snoverify.reg" to skip verification of assemblies partially signed.

For a list of new features and changes please look at "changes.txt" file.

There might be some uncovered bugs yet in the Core (this version includes HUGE features) and the idea is to find them before the final release.

Retina.NET v1.0.7 will be the last NET 1.1 release as I'm already working on a NET 2.0 version.
Anybody wanting to collaborate on docs/samples/etc will be welcome, and maybe we can release the final version sooner than expected.

Best Regards,

Andrés G Vettori
Leader of the C# Community of the
Microsoft Users Group Argentina


  • Dario Quintana said

    Gracias Andres, lo encontré y lo estuve viendo. Ah! a proposito, el otro día dijiste que te presenten opiniones sobre donde sería una buena idea hostear tu proyecto...y bueno te digo mi opinión: parece tonto pero no pude encontrar tu release en tu pagina, es culpa mia lo acepto pero es un detalle. Creo por lo siempre veo que una buena opcion es SourceForge, me parece más práctico, todas los frameworks que busco o codigos estan ahí, y por cierto es más directo el download, mas piola,Aparte te deja (creo) hacerte un foro y una pagina tuya, en resume te da un espacio bastante practico.
    Bueno Andres, sigo viendo y aprendiendo Retina y te cuento como voy, un abrazo !!

    P/D: Ah, hice una entrada en mi blog sobre retina, es un comentario nada más, quizas haga prueba y las postee tb.

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