Contents tagged with WCF

  • White paper: understanding WCF extensibility

    Tags: WCF

    I have written a white paper on WCF extensibility and I would like to share it with the community so I have attached a copy to this post in Word 2003 format.  Enjoy! AndrĂ©s G … more

  • WCF Extensibility - Part 2

    Tags: .NET, NETFX3, SOA, WCF

    Service Description Figure 2. ServiceDescription at runtime The Service Description is the heart of the service and is created when a ServiceHost or client ChannelFactory is created to … more

  • WCF Extensibility - Part 1

    Tags: .NET, NETFX3, SOA, WCF

    What we have in WCFWCF has a design that clearly shows a very hard work of many talented people for a long time, and that kind of effort can only be a good thing.The first thing you note when start … more

  • Understanding WCF Extensibility

    Tags: .NET, NETFX3, SOA, WCF

    I have written a white paper on WCF extensibility and I would like to share it with the community so I have attached a copy to this post in Word 2003 format. Enjoy!Andrés G … more

  • WS-Compression, WCF and Named Pipes

    Tags: .NET, C#, NET 2.0, NETFX3, WCF

    I found the WCF version of the WSE3 compression filters on the Pablo Cribaro's blog where he published an updated WCF RC1 version.This code was first released by Morty for WSE2. At that time … more