Projects upgraded from VS2008 to VS2010

Tags: .NET, 2010, beta, TFS, VSTS

Yesterday I did my first test migrating one of our our rather complex VS2008 solutions to VS2010 (and TFS 2010). The solution and projects upgrade went generally well, I only had a few minor things to fix I'm detailing below:

  • All WCF client proxies were automatically regenerated. This is not neccesarily bad but we had touched our generated code (for example, to add a #pragma warning disable 1591 to avoid failing compilation because of the missing XML comments). To solve this I only needed to undo the changes produced in the generated files and everything worked as usual.
  • The new VS and/or compiler seems to be more strict in some things. Compilation failed because it found a couple malformed XML configuration files, a a couple conflicts about references (projects referencing directly and indirectly different versions of the same component). Fixing those errors was easy and I'm happy to find them automatically in VS2010.
  • I had to uninstall WIX 3 and install the (experimental) WIX 3.5 with Votive support for VS2010. Wix projects didn't compiled at first so I had to manually edit the .wixproj file and change the tool path. Also the new WIX 3.5 has a known bug where some of the project variables have the wrong value (for example, var.project.ProjectDir now includes a trainling "/bin" that is clearly wrong). A quick fix is to include a "/.." in the source path to reference the root project folder, but this is probably going to need rolling back this hack after the bug is fixed.
  • Some projects didn't upgraded automatically (WebTests, for example) and I had to migrate them manually. I'm investigating a issue with this projects because VS2010 seems to prompt me to migrate the same projects EVERY time I open the solution.
  • Tests projects (Unit tests, for example) are migrated to Framework 4.0 automatically. Those projects cannot run or compile using a previous version of the CLR and therefore ALL its references need to be compiled for Framework 4.0 as well.

Well, that's all for now...   I'm going to test some build scripts now...  wish me luck!

 Andres G Vettori, VMBC, CTO


  • rony said

    I wonder, if you did manage to upgade and run web tests migrated from VS2008. If yes, how did you manage? I run into the same error : the agent process was stopped....

  • andresv said

    The webtests project finally got migrated by removing and re-adding them to the solution (go figure). One more thing I had to do was change the target framework of some class library projects we use in several web test projects, to use the later Framework 4.0. Apparently test projects can only reference the Framework 4.0 assemblies, and therefore all other projects referenced need to compile against the FW 4.0 version. After that, everything compiled Ok and run without problems. Andres.

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