CacheHelper for interdependant Cache entries in ASP.Net

This class will let you manage a group of cache entries, creating an additionl dependency for each item added.

All of the items from a group of caches can be cleared together. It doesn't replaces the cache, it only affects how items get added.

Using it in an ASP.Net page:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void ShowCacheStuff()
       if (Cache["test"] == null)
            CacheHelper.Group("TestGroup").Insert("test", DateTime.Now.ToString());

    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Caching;

namespace AndrewSeven.Examples
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides a simple way to add interdependant items to the Cache
 /// </summary>
    public class CacheHelper
  private string groupDependencyCacheKey;
        static readonly string fullName = typeof(CacheHelper).FullName;
        static public CacheHelper Group(string name)
   return new CacheHelper(name);
  private CacheHelper(string name)
            groupDependencyCacheKey = fullName + "::" + name;
  public Cache Cache
    return HttpContext.Current.Cache;
  private void EnsureDependencyItem()
            if (Cache[groupDependencyCacheKey] == null)
                Cache[groupDependencyCacheKey] = DateTime.Now;
  public void Clear()
   Cache[groupDependencyCacheKey] = DateTime.Now;
  static public void Clear(string groupName)
  public CacheDependency GetDependency(CacheDependency dependency)
   return new CacheDependency(null,(new string[] {groupDependencyCacheKey}),dependency);
  public CacheDependency GetDependency()
   return GetDependency(null);
  public void Insert(string key,object value)
  public void Insert(string key,object value,CacheDependency dependency)
  public void Insert(string key,object value,int durationSeconds)

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