
Archives / 2004 / September
  • Double Hop and ASP.NET - a workaround.

    Tags: .NET, CodeSnippets

    <Background>Many people have stumbled across the IIS Double-Hop issue when trying to access Active Directory information on an ASP.NET page.In short - when we access an ASP.NET page, IIS … more

  • Binding to Sharepoint List Items (Part 2 of 2)

    Tags: .NET, SharePoint

    In the first part of the post we went over binding an SPListItemCollection to a DataGrid for quick'n'dirty binding of Sharepoint list data. The problem with this approach is that extensibility is a … more

  • Binding to Sharepoint List Items (Part 1 of 2)

    Tags: .NET, SharePoint

    Databinding is cool. It lets us connect our front-end GUI elements (say, a DataGrid) to our back-end data elements (a DataSet, for instance) without the drudgery of synchronizing the two all the time. … more

  • Question: Singleton Inheritance

    Tags: .NET

    I have this class, that implements the singleton pattern, and a subclass. public class Base{    public static Base Instance;    static Base()    { & … more

  • How to get the current SPS Area in a Web-Part

    Tags: .NET, SharePoint

    When we write a WebPart or WebControl that resides in a SPS Area, we will want to know at runtime which area we reside in.This, surprisingly enough, is not trivial. It's not even easy. In fact, it's … more

  • VB Build Events

    Tags: .NET, VB

    Having found myself developing in VB.NET alongside C# recently, I was rather annoyed at the lack of pre- and post-build-events for VB projects in VS.NET2003. A quick check of the DTE automation model … more