System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry and the non-equal Equals.

Tags: .NET, C#, CodeSnippets

Just a quick heads-up in case you're stumped with this problem, or just passing by:

The System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry class implements the Equals method to check if two entries are identical, even if they're not the same instance. However, contrary to best practices, it does NOT overload the operator==, so these two bits of code will behave differently:

EventLog myEventLog = new EventLog("Application");
EventLogEntry entry1 = myEventLog.Entries[0];
EventLogEntry entry2 = myEventLog.Entries[0];

bool correct = entry1.Equals(entry2);
bool incorrect = entry1 == entry2;

After running this code, correct will be true while incorrect will be false.

Good to know, if you're reading event logs in your code.


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