ASP.NET and More

Learning ASP.NET MVC currently

  • Data Bound DropDownList (HTML Helper) for ASP.NET MVC

    In this Post I will try to create a HTML Helper method to create a Data-bound Dropdownlist for ASP.NET MVC framework. When iterating through the DataSource in the ViewPage, to create a Dropdownlist is easy, but at the sametime this is one feature that we will come across multiple time during any project execution. So it make more sense to me, if we create a HTML Helper, which will generate the  Dropdownlist from a DataSource.

  • Bulk Data Update with ASP.NET MVC

    Recently I was doing some R&D with ASP.NET MVC. During that I was mimicking the Create a Movie Database Application in 15 Minutes with ASP.NET MVC (C#) tutorial, which is a nice ice-breaker tutorial. Once I was done with it, I was thinking of some more complex real-life scenarios. As a business application developer, I came across a scenario when I need to implement a bulk update operation through a Web interface. I hate it simply !!!!! Binding the data, then iterate through the Grid, do a lot of FindControl….

  • Custom Control, Postback and Events

    Sometime back I was required to write a Custom Control, with some custom Events and some advanced functionality. Since I was not too familiar with the "Art of Writing Controls", I was searching through Google, to get some useful material. After spending sometime, I realized that there are a lot of blogs, articles are out there on custom controls, but none of them are complex and realistic, most of them are "Hello World" kind of an example. Moreover, I found that different people are using some different ways of achieving the same thing. So in this blog I will try to explain what I have learned from that experience, but I may add up to another different approach. Sorry for that. :D