Data Access Layer stuff

I have been working on a Data Access Layer for work and I came across this DAL written by Deyan Petrov on CodeProject.  It does almost everything that we are trying to do here and it is pretty cool!   The idea is to be able to define the following in your xml config files:

dataproviders  (sqlclient, oledb, etc)
datasources  (myaccessdb, mysqlserverdb, etc)
commands  (getalluserbyid, updateuser, etc.)

Now, the only thing else that I needed it to be able to do is connect to any datasource, not just a database.  Well I figure that I can either tweak the code a little to support this or build a Managed Data Provider for whatever datasource I want to connect to.  I was excited to see that I can connect to a CSV file and I am busy looking to see what other unusual formats I can connect to with already existing managed data providers.


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