Felice Pollano is integrating a debugger in reflector

[Via Mike Stall’s .NET Debugging Blog]

Felice Pollano is building a debugger that leverages Reflector and MDBG.  Check out his screenshot below.  I will  be watching this for when he releases the binaries for this!


This post just to share an idea and a work in progress. Leveraging Reflector and MDBG ( a complete managed debugger provided by Microsoft as a sample ) i'm writing a tool that allow to debug without *any* debug infos and use the Reflector disassembler to provide more readable infos on the code. Very useful if we want to dig inside the framework functions.
I cannot yet post the source and the binary, cause the stuff is very poor until now, but let's have a screenshot:

Please notice that:

  • This is not a Reflector AddIn, but a standalone application using Reflector
  • The debugging API is used wrapped by MDBG classes
  • The actual version need a too extensive uses of manual commands in the shell windows
  • Some times I have some deadlock ( this is the reason I cannot yet post the code )
  • IL Istruction pointer is sometimes MAPPING_APPROXIMATE ( this is a flag returned by the debugger core itself, not my error ) standing for "I cannot say exactly wich il instruction I'm executing at this IP" ( or at least this is actually my interpretation
  • The upper view is IL only, but I guess I will manage to have a mixed one ( Disassembled - IL )
  • When a process is attached, all assemblies were loades in the reflector assembly tree
  • When a breakpoint is detected, the proper function is automatically showed in the reflector disassembler view and in the IL view.
  • Of course, I used Composite UI Application Block to organize the application.


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