
Archives / 2006 / August
  • Build Comment Web Pages option vanished

    In VS.NET 2003 there used to be an option under Tools menu titled Build Comment Web Pages. I rarely used that feature in my projects but for some other reason I was looking for it. To my surprise it has vanished from there. I was pulling my hair for an hour and then gave up :-) Teemu Keiski pointed me to Sandcastle but then it is still in beta stage...

  • Better software by better people

    I believe in the thought stream that says "better software can be developed only by better people". I consider it in broader sense. Even with excellent tools such as Visual Studio bug free software is still a dream. One of the core reason for this is that software is built by us i.e. humans. We all make mistakes while developing a software. Then what makes a good developer? When there are thousands of developers having the same technology skillset why is that some are better coders than the others? As a trainer I came across variety of developers. Some good, some bad and some average. When I look them as an individual and try to figure out answers to these questions I realize that somewhere the personality of an individual plays a vital role. When I say personality I mean the over all person, his habits, traits, relationships, soft skills and so on.