
Archives / 2011 / December
  • Dealing with Profile Access in ASP.NET MVC Applications

    ASP.NET services such as Profile are available to MVC applications too and developers can make use of them when needed. While developing a Web Forms based website project developers can access profile properties in a strongly typed fashion. This strongly typed nature comes from the ProfileCommon class that is generated automatically in such projects. ASP.NET MVC and Web Application projects, however, lack this handy and useful feature. In this article you will learn how to access user Profile in ASP.NET MVC applications and also an alternative to overcome this limitation.

  • Implementing Website Pinning in ASP.NET

    Internet Explorer 9 introduced a new feature - Pinned Websites - that allows you to create a shortcut to a website on Windows 7 taskbar. A pinned website, however, exposes much more functionality than an ordinary shortcut. Normally to launch a website, the user needs to open a browser instance, type in website URL in the browser address bar and then navigate to the required part of the website. Pinning a website allows the user to launch it much like a desktop application. The user can simply click on the icon of the pinned website or select a specific option from a menu and start working with the website. Since a pinned website is always visible on the taskbar, website pinning also grabs constant user attention. This can result in significant increase in the usage of the website for obvious reasons. No wonder that every ASP.NET developer would like to take advantage of this feature in their websites. To that end this article discusses various steps involved in enabling pinning for your website. It also illustrates creating static and dynamic task entries and discusses a few other scenarios specific to ASP.NET.

  • Aggregating RSS Feeds - Quick code sample

    .NET framework provides classes to read and write RSS and ATOM feeds. I already wrote a couple of articles illustrating the use of these classes. These classes reside in System.ServiceModel.Syndication namespace and primarily work with one feed at a time. Sometimes, however, you need to aggregate multiple feeds to create a single feed. The code sample below shows you how to accomplish this in an ASP.NET web form.

  • HTML5 Form features you should know

    In the past few articles I discussed HTML5 features that every ASP.NET developer should be aware of. In this article I will focus on HTML Forms and discuss some enhancements that make your life easy. Merely using various input types is just one part of the story. You should also know HTML5 features that are applicable to the form as a whole. This article illustrates some such features. All the examples use Chrome as a browser but many can be tested in Safari, Opera and others.