
Archives / 2013 / September
  • Displaying File Upload Progress using jQuery UI Progressbar Widget

    While uploading large files you may need to display the progress of the file upload operation to the end user. This can be done using HTML5 and jQuery UI's Progressbar widget. While HTML5 also has progress element that can be used to render a progress bar, jQuery UI's Progressbar widget offers more configuration and theming options. In this post you will use XMLHttpRequest (Level 2) object to upload files to the server. The XMLHttpRequest object now supports file upload related events such as progress that can be used to track file upload progress.

  • Performing Custom Validations Using Data Annotations

    ASP.NET MVC applications can use data annotation attributes to enforce validations on model properties. ASP.NET MVC provides a few data annotations that cover frequently needed validations such as [Required], and [StringLength]. However, at times you need to perform custom validations on the model properties. In such cases you can create a custom data annotation attribute and attach it with a model property. You can also add client side validation capabilities to your custom data annotation. This article discusses how this task can be accomplished.

  • Displaying a Progress Indicator During jQuery Ajax Calls

    Unlike traditional full page postback, where a user can easily understand that the page is being processed, Ajax based communication doesn't give any clue to the user about the processing being done in the background. This is especially important when the Ajax calls involve lengthy server side processing. It would be nice if you show some progress indicator or wait message to the end user while making Ajax calls. To that end this article shows one simple way of displaying such a progress indicator.

  • Using Value Providers in ASP.NET 4.5

    ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms support model binding. A part of the overall model binding features are Value Providers. A value provider grabs values from a request and binds those values with method parameters. ASP.NET provides several inbuilt value providers and also allows you to create your own. This article discusses what value providers are with examples. It also shows how a custom value provider can be created.

  • Creating Cascading DropDownLists using ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery

    Sometimes you need to display DropDownLists in your ASP.NET MVC views such that values in one DropDownList are dependent on the value selected in another DropDownList. The most common example of such a functionality is countries and states DropDownLists where based on a selected country you need to populate the states DropDownList. This article shows how such a cascading DropDownLists can be developed using ASP.NET MVC and jQuery.

  • Using Forms Authentication in ASP.NET Web API

    ASP.NET developers commonly use forms authentication to secure their web pages. Just like ASP.NET web forms and ASP.NET MVC applications, Web API can take advantage of forms authentication to implement authentication and role based security. I have already explained how forms authentication works in web forms and MVC applications. In this post I explain how forms authentication can be used in a Web API being consumed in an MVC application.

  • 5 Tips to Remember What You Learn Better

    As a software developer you need to remember tremendous amount of information. This information is in the form of language syntax, object models, programming concepts, business domain concepts and more. Many of my training participants express their desire to remember what they learn in a better way but often fail to do so due to some or the other reason. While there can't be a single best way to remember things better here I give some tips that work for many developers.