Contents tagged with CSS3

  • Introduction to Bootstrap

    With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, web developers are required to think about their website design for mobile devices from the beginning of a development project. Developing web applications targeting multiple devices can be challenging. Web developers often resort to third-party frameworks for features such as theming, widgets and responsive design. One such handy, popular and open source framework is Bootstrap. Using Bootstrap you can develop responsive websites without bothering too much about CSS. It provides a rich CSS framework that you can customize if the need arises. Adding common web page elements such as navigation menus, buttons, form elements and typography is quite easy with Bootstrap. This article is intended to give you a basic understanding of Bootstrap so that you can start using it in your web applications.

  • Introduction to CSS3 Media Queries

    With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, web developers are required to ensure that their website renders well on different devices. One important aspect in such a rendering is applying different CSS rules to different requesting devices. To that end CSS3 media queries allow you to apply CSS rules depending on the media type and its capabilities. This article examines what CSS3 media queries are and how to use them in your web pages.

  • 5 CSS3 Features That Simplify Your Web Page Styling

    If you are a professional web developer chances are you use CSS for styling your web pages. The latest version of CSS - version 3 - adds many features to the CSS2 feature set, making it appealing to any web developer. This article discusses five features of CSS3 that you will find interesting. The features discussed in this article include - New selectors, border images, gradient, setting opacity and multicolumn layouts.