JavaScript: The Language

I gave my JavaScript language talk at the St. Louis .NET/DotNetNuke User Group last night.  I’ve posted the presentation (with some updated, clarified example code) up on slideshare.

JavaScript: The Language presentation on SlideShareJavaScript: The Language

I woke up this morning thinking through all of the things that I could have explained better and how to more succinctly get the important points across.  So, I’m now declaring (so that you, my loyal readership, can hold me to it) that I’m going to do a series on this blog focusing on illuminating common difficulties and misconceptions in JavaScript.  Look forward to a discussion of closure sometime this week.

1 Comment

  • Hey Brian,

    Great talk last night - a lot of the concepts I was fuzzy on have really cleared up for me. I feel like I've been on the verge of really getting a few key concepts for awhile and your talk really hit 'em home.

    There are certainly enough misconceptions/assumptions about JavaScript (and a lot of things in JavaScript that are just plane odd) to warrant further discussion after the presentation though - looking forward to it!


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