
Archives / 2005 / June
  • Updated wsdl.exe with better data-binding support

    My enhanced proxy generator has been updated with a few improvements.

    Thanks to Steve Mallette from ProLink Services for identifying these problems and contributing fixes!

    The latest WSDL tool source & binary can be downloaded here.  I've also added a test batch file that shows the differences between the .NET & enhanced wsdl.exe tools.

  • WSE3 and Databinding

    I have previously written about a solution to the data-binding problem with web service proxies in .NET.  Well, Microsoft has finally heard the community and added support for property generation using the wsdl tool that is part of the WSE3 toolkit.  In fact, they have made this the default mode of operation.  There is a new /fields switch for enabling the old-style of generation.  If you're using the WSE stack, this is a great addition...if not, check out my toolNote: The WSE3 is currently a technical preview.

  • HTTPS Support in XSP

    I'm pleased to announce that the XSP web server now supports SSL connections!  XSP is a web server from the Mono Project developed mostly by Gonzalo Paniagua from Novell in C#.  I utilize the XSP code in my Application Server Project to host web applications on Windows and Linux.  I wanted to provide the ability to serve secure pages from within the Application Server without the need for Apache or IIS. Sébastien Pouliot (also from Novell) had already done most of the heavy lifting by developing a SslServerStream.  The majority of the work was to integrate this into the XSP framework.  In the process, I ran across a bug in the SslCipherSuite and submitted a patch to the mono mailing list.  My changes to XSP have recently been committed to the Mono SVN tree.  Another change to XSP is the seperation of the web hosting code into a seperate DLL from the main console application (Mono.WebServer.dll).  This allows others to easily embed the XSP server in their applications.

    Here is an example of xsp running with SSL enabled:

    > mono xsp.exe --https --cert server.cer --pkfile server.pvk --pkpwd pass --root ~/samples

    To generate a server certificate & private key:
    > makecert -r -eku -n "CN=server" -sv server.pvk server.cer
      ( from Sebastien Pouliot's blog: )

    NOTE: This support is currently only available if you build from source.