Hiding a list through FrontPage

Often you might have a list in a SharePoint site that you don't want users to get to. Something like lookup lists or whatever (adminy type stuff) that you need to have in a site but nobody should mess with. Its easy to do it through code but here's how you can do it using FrontPage 2003.

In FrontPage open up the site that contains the list. Right click on the list and select Properties and choose the Settings tab. You'll see an option Hide from browsers. Now the list won't show up in the Documents and Lists page for prying eyes to get into. Note that this will not ghost your page/site/etc. so it's a safe thing to do in FrontPage.

As with most things in SharePoint, the list is still there so someone who knows how figure out the url to it (which isn't hard) could still get to it. You can toggle this on and off anytime so to edit the list you make it visible, make your changes, and then turn it back off again. You could also link the list to a spreadsheet and save the sheet for future use. Then hide the list and make your edits through the spreadsheet.


  • Thanks for this. Maybe you'd like to click "Hide from Browsers" instead of "Enable Attachments" <grin>

    (Or was this to see if we were awake!?)

    P.S. What other things don't unghost your pages? That's a list I'd like to see.

  • For sure Mike. Feel free to link to any of my blogs.

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