Oh bother

Okay, Saturday was a bad day for me and after reading Ed Brill's blog on the whole Mike Drips article (and my response which he quoted a few times) I decided to delete the post. It's the first time I've done that and I normally wouldn't but in reality the post was my emotions getting the better of me and taking it out more against Mike than the content of his post. Daniel McPherson makes some good comments about getting to the bottom of "what's wrong" with SharePoint and ways that the team can fix it. I think we all agree there are things wrong with SharePoint but it's not a bucket of bolts that has no purpose or value. It's just articles that are primarily negative seem to cast a shadow so people new to the scene might not get both sides of the story (hence why I'm leaving my Five Things Right With SharePoint post). So back to being the kinder and more gentler SharePoint guy that I should be.

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