TDD and SharePoint

Chris Chapman has been blogging the past couple of days about using using TDD, NUnit, and SharePoint together. Chris follows some of the very same technique I do (or maybe I’m following him, who knows) as I have my [SetUp] and [TearDown] methods create SPWeb and SPSite objects for use in the tests (although I don’t use a base class for this, but it’s a good idea). As this is something I’m very passionate about (I’m giving a presentation about it at SharePoint Connections in April) it’s great to see people blogging about it and showing that TDD can be done even in that complicated, crazy environment we call SharePoint. So check it out.

1 Comment

  • Thanks for the mention, Bil! It seems that this topic is a high on the minds of a lot of SharePoint developers: My first post generated more hits in one day than several of my other posts combined!

    I've many more ideas on how to improve on the base test fixture class and where it can go. I'd like to provide a cleaner set of methods that subclasses can draw on or supercede for writing good test cases.

    Thanks again!

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