Titles and Reflections

Last nights webcast went pretty well with the NYC SharePoint User Group (say that three times fast). There was a great turnout (over 60 peeps including Scot Hillier, Box Fox and other SharePoint luminites) and there were some good questions and hopefully equally good answers. Compressing the BDC into a 20 minute session is like fitting Rosie O'donnell into a tutu. Ugly. However it went pretty good and I hope everyone got introduced to what's a very cool part of MOSS 2007.

Shout outs to the entire group and especially Matt from CorasWorks and his minions for making everything work smoothly. Matt introduced me as the Ricky Bobby of the SharePoint world. While that may be true (although I probably share that distinction with Todd Bleeker) I always thought of myself more as the Weird Al Yankovic of the SharePoint world. Anyways, I believe they captured the web cast and will hopefully be putting it online for all to cry over.

Finally (off-topic), I had an errand to do today and wandered outside to get there. The weather here in Calgary is still short-sleeve'ish so it was a nice walk. I noticed I passed by 3 statues commemorating dead people. All people who died in the service of their country. Now I'm all for honoring people and such, but when are we going to see statues of people who died of natural causes rather than those who went down in a flaming plane?

One can dream.

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