The Programmers Essential Bookshelf

Things have changed since I started programming back in the 80s. However there are a few truths that are universal. Here's my list of the essential books all programmers, designers, coders, architects, etc. should have in their repository. Also if you're hiring new people out of University or something, giving them this stack would be a good way to introduce them into the world.

Code Complete (2nd Edition!)
Eric Evan's Domain Driven Design
Design Patterns
Kent Beck's Test Driven Development: By Example
Martin Fowler's Refactoring: Improving the Design of Code
UML Distilled

There are a couple of others that are great too (there are more):

Rapid Development
The Pragmatic Programmer



  • Isn't it a little over the top to recommend a book that hasn't yet been released?

    Code Complete, 2nd Edition isn't yet in bookstores!

  • Vasu - It's not available at Amazon. You just pre-ordered it. Code Complete (2nd Ed) has not yet been published.

  • Jerry,

    You're correct that the 2nd edition isn't out yet however none the less, Code Complete is one of those "must have" books. As this is a list of books people should have, if they don't already have Code Complete they should look at the 2nd edition. If they already have it, they should consider it. If they're REALLY in a hurry (and nobody is to read a book) then they can get the 1st edition. I'm just pointing out that there's a 2nd edition coming out and it looks great.

  • Great list Bil! Those are all great resources.

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