Coming soon to a user group near you... me!

I just got word that I'm now officially a member of the MSDN Canada Speakers Bureau. The Speakers Bureau is a collection of top Canadian speakers who are dedicated to delivering high quality presentation and demonstrations at MSDN events and at MSDN User Groups across Canada.

I had been accepted into the group a few weeks ago, but the machinations of the internal workings at Microsoft have finally grinded to a halt and settled now. I'm very happy to be inducted into the group which includes some people I've enjoyed listening to and have looked up to like Ryan Storgaard, Kate Gregory, and my fellow Calgary MVPer John Bristowe. I look forward to participating in the group in the coming year (and what's left of 2004) and getting out to User Groups across Canada to spread the good word (whatever that word is).

For more information on the Speakers Bureau, you can check out the link here. For a list of MSDN Canadian User Groups check out this link. Speaking of MSDN events, check out the Deep Dive on building connected systems. Each participant will get a free copy of the new Microsoft book, Enterprise Integrated Systems. Oh, come on now, you're all a flutter right? Check out the event link here for more info.

Anyways, just wanted to toot my own horn here (although I need to get them to update my profile because when I wrote it, I didn't think it was going to be used verbatim on the site and it's a very "I'm this" and "I'm that" blather) so see you on the circuit!

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