SharePoint Forums Roadmap

Things are rolling along with the SharePoint Forums Web Part and I’m just mowing through the current various work items. These are either features that I’ve had planned, bugs identified by users, or suggestions from the forums.

The next release is scheduled for June 19 after I get back from TechEd. You can view the release roadmap for the next version here on CodePlex which will show the current work items assigned to this release. Currently there are 5 closed items (RSS feeds added, a couple of bugs fixed) and 2 being worked on (search and multi-language support). I’ll probably keep this pace of new releases every month until all the features get added that everyone wants.

Serious work started on the 2007 version of the Forums for MOSS 2007. This will be delivered as a Feature that you’ll be able to make available to a site/farm/server/whatever. There are some nice things in 2007 that will help ease maintenence on the forums like better integration with security.

Keep things coming by participating in the forums on CodePlex, tracking down bugs, and making suggestions for future improvement.

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