Registration for ALT.NET Open Spaces Seattle is alive!

image Dave Laribee and team have done an excellent job of getting the next Seattle ALT.NET open space conference up and going. I'm pleased to say registration is open up now (and will probably fill up by the time I finish writing this blog entry). So get going and register now!

We've made things hopefully easier by incorporating OpenID so all you need is an OpenID identity (I use and it's quite good but any old one will do, including Yahoo) with your name and email set up (other information is optional). Note: Please do not use as it doesn't seem to work. We're not sure why and even if the site is real or a phishing site, so stick with or other provider.

In addition to the OpenID integration, we've negotiated a discount for the hotel nearby so that'll be available to you. As always, the event is free but like I said, it's limited to 100 participants. First come, first served.

Get going and see you in Seattle!

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