SCSF Community has moved

One of my favorite geek communities (if you want to call it that) is the group out of the Patterns and Practices guys who make the Smart Client Software Factory. This is a great package built on top of the Composite Application UI Block and created using the Guidance Automation Toolkit to create an excellent way to get your Smart Client projects off the ground (I've started 3 Enterprise applications using it so far).

They've moved their site over to CodePlex (hurray!). I really detest (read:hate, scourn, abhorr, loathe, spite) GotDotNet and it's workpaces. I mean, everytime someone sends me a link it's a crapshoot whether or not I'll even get to the site by going to the link. When I go to links on GDN it's tied to Windows Live IDs or something but when I go to these links I end up at the basic page. I have to reload the page to actually get to the real destination after Windows Live logs me in (or something silly like that). The search navigation is confusing and have the time I get lost and end up somewhere I shouldn't be. Yeah, in a word I hate GDN and am very happy these guys are moving to CodePlex.

The new site actually covers the SCSF, CAB, and a few other blocks like the Updater block (which needs to be updated to work with SCSF for example). It's nice to have everything together in one spot and I'm sure they'll add more as they grow. They have locked the forums on the old GDN site (which explains why I'm not getting any new feeds) and have committed to moving all the content over (code, forums, etc.) which is a nice touch for finding information (the search on CodePlex actually works).

You can find them on their new CodePlex home here.

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