Slides from my MonoTouch UGIAltNetConf session

Good Evening,

Last weekend I jetted off to Milan to speak at the 5th UGI Alt.Net Conference at Avende's offices. Hosted by Simone and Emanuele (and a few others), the conference covered the web, mobile and beyond hosting some interesting session such as TDD, BDD, HTML5 and Android. My session covered MonoTouch (C# on the iPhone) and hopefully gave a few people an insight in to the work that the Novell team have been doing in that space. My session slides came from a slide deck from Geoff Norton who got his slide deck from Miguel De Icaza so a big thanks to both of those guys.

I've put my slides up on Slideshare - you can see them here:


On Saturday I'll be speaking at DDD8 in Reading, UK on the same subject and will probably use the same slides so don't go peeking if you're coming to that session. Of course, there's about 20/30 minutes of demos included in my session that I haven't put up yet but I will do after my Reading session.

If you attended my session then it'd be great to hear some feedback - good or bad and feel free to ping me if you have any questions.

Hope this helps,


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