Contents tagged with tools

  • Top Tools - HTTP Tracing

    Continuing with my list of the most important tools for any web tester to have in thier arsenal, I turn to a set of tools that give you the low level HTTP information related to your tests.

  • Top Tools - Screen Capture tools

    The primary deliverable for many testers are bug reports. A treatise on what makes a good bug report is a post in and of itself, so i won't drill into that part (now), but will say that it's true that a picture says a thousand words. I've seen many bug reports with very little information get tossed around in triage meetings for weeks without resolution, because the tester didn't do a great job explaining the issue. I've also seen many bug reports with tons of information get tossed around in triage meetings for weeks without solution, because the triage team didn't want to wade through reams of complicated explanations.

  • Top Tools for Testers

    I was planning on giving a talk to my test team at Nokia about great tools for web testers, and then the hammer dropped, and won't be able to. I was planning on blogging about them anyway, so my next few posts are from a version of that talk.