
Archives / 2003 / December
  • Being sick

    So, I haven't been sick sick for quite a while, not at all this year if I recall correctly. Well, I think the time has come. I didn't take my vitamins to California with me, and now that I am back I think I have caught a cold. I really am not a big vitamin freak, maybe I should be, but I think from now on they will travel with me!!!

  • Wireless Revo Part II

    I posted about wifi last week and today I get to rave about it even more. I am sitting in the small, tiny, little terminal here in Long Beach. I am an hour early so I was going to plug my laptop in and do some work, when I spy across the terminal a sign that says “Hot Zone: Free wireless internet access”, so I hook up the network card, and boom I am online! This wifi is just too darn cool :D

  • Main feed problems

    I appear to not know how to use this system yet! I didn't want that last post on the mainfeed, and up it went. Now I can't seem to get it down! Sorry to all :)

  • West Coast Chopping

    Well, I am just about to leave the west coast. My flight actually leaves in just about 6 hours, I should be sleeping before heading to the airport, but I am up typing away...

  • Wireless revolution!

    Well, I have used WiFi at VS Live in San Francisco last February, but other than a few minor runins with the technology that was the limit of my experience with it, until today.

  • ASP.NET Forums XML Import/Export

    Well, It's just about Holiday Season. By this time tomorrow I'll be sleeping in a strange bed at my folks new house in Long Beach. This will probably be the first “real” vacation I've had in 5 years? I don't count all my weekends in the summer racing as vacation, even the week I take off for nationals, it's more work than vacation. I'll be out in California for 5 days, back to St. Louis on Sunday morning. Should be a good time, seeing most of my family, and hopefully a friend or two from high school.