A couple of new open source releases from yours truly

Over the past few weeks I’ve been feeling awful open source like. We come from an open source background, and we, DotNetNuke Corporation, are still very very committed to stick with those roots. So I put together a couple of releases for projects I work on, and created a new project as well.

Wiki Module v4.5 almost ready for Release

A few weeks ago I got the next release of the DotNetNuke Wiki module (v04.05.00) into the Release Tracker here on DotNetNuke.com. While it isn’t officially released yet, you can go to Codeplex and download it right now, but only via the link on this blog post!

What’s new in 4.5? Well, lots of things! First thing, it is compiled against DotNetNuke 5.6.2, so if you aren’t running the latest version I would highly recommend the upgrade. You can find the release notes for the version on the previous link, but primarily they are bug fixes, a comment overhaul from Oliver Hine, and some layout enhancements regarding the “Index” of Wiki pages. I would encourage you to check out the new release, but do it in a test environment first. There are some fairly big changes, they shouldn’t break anything, but they may be different than what you expect.

The World’s Best Free DotNetNuke Skin

So the heading here is really just a funny joke, at least to me, but I’m gonna run with it! Lately I have had the urge to overhaul a number of my DotNetNuke websites with a similar theme, but different colors. I didn’t find a skin that I wanted to use on them all, so I wrote one myself. It is called MultiFunction, and it is released under the same type of license that DotNetNuke is. You can find it on codeplex at http://multifunction.codeplex.com, you can also check out the demo site at http://multifunction.dnndaily.com.

Let me know what you think. I’ve done some interesting things with this skin, such as put the images on Amazon S3 for the benefits of a CDN. If you install the skin without modification you’ll find it uses those images. I would encourage you to obviously host your own images, especially if you customize the skin. Check out the Documentation page for some examples of how to modify the skin through CSS.

The skin is a Visual Studio 2010 project, compiled against DNN 5.5., using MSBuild, and the http://dnnmoduleactions.codeplex.com project as well, so you need to install that before you can use the skin.

An Update to the DNNSimpleArticle Module

I’ve had some feedback with users having problems with the DNNSimpleArticle module as of late, so I wanted to track down what the issues were. Mainly it had to do with new installs of DotNetNuke that were missing the “search results” module on the Search Results page.

I ended up coming up with a fix for the module, as it doesn’t even rely on the SR module, but it does on the ContentList module on the search results page, due to the taxonomy support. I also took the opportunity of a new release to add in support for the DotNetNuke Sitemap Provider. So when you install v00.00.07 of DNNSimpleArticle it will define the sitemap provider as well, meaning articles in DNNSimpleArticle will be included in your sitemap.aspx file that is managed from the Search Engine Sitemap page under the Admin menu in DNN.

You can download the latest release of DNNSimpleArticle from http://dnnsimplearticle.codeplex.com, keep in mind that this module is compiled against DNN 5.6.2, so it won’t run on older versions.

DotNetNuke World

If you haven’t heard, DotNetNuke is holding their own conference in November of this year. DotNetNuke World, you can find out more information at http://bit.ly/DNNWorld

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