HTTP Endpoints in SQL Server 2005

SQL Server 2005 ( Codenamed "Yukon" )  provides a new interesting feature to execute stores procedures or Transact-SQL statements through web services published in the server, without need to use IIS.
This new feature exposes Http endpoints using the Http Api provided in Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2003.
These endpoints are published in a specific URI, and they listen for incoming soap requests, so they facilitate interoperability because any application, which talks soap, can communicate with SQL server without requiring additional sql libraries or MDAC.

The syntax to create an endpoint is quite simple, and looks like this:

  PATH = '/sql/myendpoint',

In this case I created a new endpoint called MyEndpoint, which listen for Transact-SQL statements on http://localhost/sql/myendpoint. You can test it browsing to http://localhost/sql/myendpoint?wsdl.
This sentence supports additional parameters, all of them are very well described in the SQL online help.

This sample shows how to execute a Transact-SQL statement from a simple java script.

function SendBatchRequest( strServerName, strUrlPath, strQuery )
   var objXmlHttp = null;
   var strRequest = "";

   objXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject( "microsoft.xmlhttp" ); "POST", "http://" + strServerName + strUrlPath, false );
   objXmlHttp.setrequestheader( "Content-Type", "text/xml" );
   objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader( "Host", strServerName );

   strRequest = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope
                                    <sql:BatchCommands>" + strQuery + "</sql:BatchCommands>

   objXmlHttp.send( strRequest );

   if( objXmlHttp.status == 200 )
      return objXmlHttp.responseXML.xml;
      return "";

var response = SendBatchRequest( 'localhost', '/sql/myendpoint', 'Select * from sys.http_endpoints' );

Actually, I'm writing a .NET managed data provider to consume these web services, so I'll be blogging a lot more about this topic soon.


  • I wonder why they didn't leverage IIS? Is this meant to be a high performance option or just a convenient one?

  • Honestly, I don't know the real reason, but these are my opinions:

    1. Http.Sys is implemented as a driver, so it runs in kernel mode. This gives high performance compared to IIS, which make different context switch between kernel and user mode in order to process the http requests.

    2. A IIS dependency is not required.

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