Service interface factory

Last week I received some feedback from the web services guru Christian Weyer (By the way, a cool guy too) about my post "Proxy Factory", so I decided to develop a complete and usable sample to show that concept.

In that post, I described a way to separate the service interface from the service implementation doing something similar to what WCF does when it creates a channel for a specific interface.

During this post, I will give a brief description about the main parts of this sample.

First of all, I defined a service interface or contract for my service. I did not use my imagination at all and I decided to call this interface "IHelloWorld".

public interface IHelloWorld


  string HelloWorld(string message);


The client application uses that interface and the service factory to create a proxy for the service implementation without care about any details of this last one.

class Program


  static void Main(string[] args)


     //Default implementation

     ServiceFactory<IHelloWorld> factory = new ServiceFactory<IHelloWorld>();

     IHelloWorld service = factory.Create();

     Console.WriteLine(service.HelloWorld("John Doe"));


     //Remote implementation

     factory = new ServiceFactory<IHelloWorld>("RemoteImplementation");

     service = factory.Create();

     Console.WriteLine(service.HelloWorld("John Doe"));



The proxy for the service implementation perform the following steps

  1. Looks for the correct service implementation using the provided interface
  2. Creates an instance of the service implementation
  3. Invokes the right method on the service implementation

For this sample, the proxy is quite simple and invokes the real service in the current machine, but more complex tasks could be performed, such as message interception or remote invocation. (WCF performs both things, it uses message interception to create a soap message and remote invocation to execute the service implementation in other machine).

public class ServiceProxy : System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy


  private Type type;

  private string configurationName;


  public ServiceProxy(string configurationName, Type type) : base(type)


    this.type = type;

    this.configurationName = configurationName;



  public override System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage Invoke(System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage imsg)


    Type implementationType = null;

    string type = this.type.FullName;

    foreach (ServiceInterfaceDefinition definition in ServiceInterfaceConfiguration.Current.Interfaces)


      if ((this.configurationName == null || this.configurationName == definition.Name) && type == definition.Type)


        implementationType = definition.ImplementationType;





    if(implementationType == null)

      throw new Exception("The implementation type can not be null");


    object implementation = Activator.CreateInstance(implementationType);

    ReturnMessage retmsg = null;

    if (imsg is IMethodCallMessage)


      IMethodCallMessage call = imsg as IMethodCallMessage;

      object returnValue = implementationType.InvokeMember(call.MethodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,

              null, implementation, call.Args);

      retmsg = new ReturnMessage(returnValue, null, 0, null, call);



    return retmsg;



The configuration for the client application contains two service implementations in this case, "LocalImplementation" for a component in the same application and "RemoteImplementation" for a web service proxy.



    <add name="LocalImplementation"

        implementationType="ServiceInterfaces.Client.LocalHelloWorld, ServiceInterfaces.Client"



    <add name="RemoteImplementation"

         implementationType="ServiceInterfaces.Client.RemoteHelloWorld, ServiceInterfaces.Client"





The code below shows the service implementation configured as "LocalImplementation".

class LocalHelloWorld : IHelloWorld


  #region IHelloWorld Members

  public string HelloWorld(string message)


    return String.Format("Local Hello World : {0}", message);




Download the complete sample from here

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