WS-Federation quickstart for WSE 3.0

Microsoft has recently released a WS-Federation sample based on the SAML implementation for WSE 3.0.
This sample adds some new cool features to the SAML implementation and shows a scenario similar to what I described a couple of months ago in this post.

These are some of the features provided in this sample,

1. SAML token encryption based on a configuration setting. This setting basically allows encrypting the attributes
in the token using a secret key shared between the STS and the service.
2. SAML authorization assertions. In addition to the common attribute assertions, the SAML token now supports authorization assertions, which are useful to describe permissions over different resources (For example, the owner of this token is allowed to read the financial files). The quickstart also provides an WSE authorization assertion to enforce some of these permissions in the SAML token.
3. Custom SAML token managers. These token managers were specifically designed for this sample, but they are a good starting point if you want to know more about the different approaches to customize a SAML token manager.

Download the sample from this location 

Enjoy it :)

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