Implementing an identity provider and relying party with Zermatt and ASP.NET MVC

Zermatt is the framework recently released by Microsoft to develop claim-aware applications. You can find some announcements here and here.

This framework supports the WS-Federation active and passive profiles. This last one was initially designed with an unique purpose in mind, allow the integration of "dumb clients" into the identity metasystem. As "dumb clients", I am talking about clients like web browsers that do not have the ability to handle cryptographic material.

All the magic is done through some consecutive Http redirects, and today we will see how develop an identity provider and a relying party web (with ASP.NET MVC) that are involved in the whole process.

The identity provider is based on the quickstart that is automatically generated in Visual Studio when you create a new MVC web application. This quickstart uses FormsAuthentication to authenticate the application users and also provides an Account controller (that internally uses ASP.NET Membership) to manage all those users. In order to integrate Zermatt in this application, I added a new controller STSController that knows to process messages for getting issue tokens with the user's claims.

For the relying party, Zermatt provides some web controls to authenticate the user against the identity provider using the passive profile. Unfortunately, for the simple fact that ASP.NET MVC does not support controls with view state, we can not use them here. As workaround, I created a couple of extensions methods that generate the Urls for sending the corresponding messages to the identity provider (Login and Logout).

public static class LoginUrlExtensions


   public static string LoginUrl(this UrlHelper helper, string actionName, string controllerName, string stsUrl)


       string host = helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority;

       string schema = helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme;


       string realm = string.Format("{0}://{1}", schema, host);

       string reply = helper.Action(actionName, controllerName).Substring(1);


       return string.Format("{0}?wa=wsignin1.0&wtrealm={1}&wreply={2}&wctx=rm=0&id=FederatedPassiveSignIn1&wct={3}",

          stsUrl, realm, reply, XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.Now));



   public static string LogoutUrl(this UrlHelper helper, string actionName, string controllerName, string stsUrl)


       string host = helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority;

       string schema = helper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme;


       string realm = string.Format("{0}://{1}", schema, host);

       string reply = string.Format("{0}{1}", realm, helper.Action(actionName, controllerName));


       return string.Format("{0}?wa=wsignout1.0&wreply={1}", stsUrl, reply);



The "actionName" and "controllerName" are just used to generate the reply address where the user must be redirect after being authenticated in the identity provider. These extension methods can be used in the view as follow,

<a href="<%=Url.LoginUrl("Login", "Home", "localhost://STS")%>">Login</a>

We also need a method in the relying party to parse the RRST message and generate a cookie with the user credentials and claims.


public interface IFederatedAuthentication


   IClaimsPrincipal Authenticate();



public class FederatedAuthentication : IFederatedAuthentication


     private string logoutUrl;


     public FederatedAuthentication(string logoutUrl)


         this.logoutUrl = logoutUrl;



     public IClaimsPrincipal Authenticate()


         string securityTokenXml = FederatedAuthenticationModule.Current.GetXmlTokenFromPassiveSignInResponse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request, null);


         FederatedAuthenticationModule current = FederatedAuthenticationModule.Current;


         SecurityToken token = null;

         IClaimsPrincipal authContext = current.AuthenticateUser(securityTokenXml, out token);


         TicketGenerationContext context = new TicketGenerationContext(authContext, false, logoutUrl, typeof(SignInControl).Name);



         return authContext;




As you can see in the code above, the Zermatt module (FederatedAuthenticationModule) that parses the response message is tied to the Request object, something that we do not have direct access from a MVC controller (Well, it is bad practice if we want to test our code). That's the reason I decided to put all that code in a pluggin that can be injected later in the controller.

The complete solution is available to download from this location. Any feedback would be great!!. Enjoy!!.

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