
Archives / 2010 / November
  • Http Processors in the WCF Web Programming Model

    The code drop recently released as part of introduced a new feature for injecting cross-cutting concerns through a pipeline into any existing service. The idea is simple, when you move to the http world, there are some aspects that might want to move out of your operation implementation. A typical example is content negotiation, in which the http messages are serialized or deserialized into specific entity or object graph expected by the service based on the “content-type” or “accept” http headers.  You don’t want to have all that logic spread across all the service implementations or tie your operation to an specific format as it happened with previous model with the WebInvoke and WebGet attributes. For that kind of logic, it’s really useful to have that concern implemented in a specific class that you can test individually and inject into your service to support new message formats.

  • New IQueryable Support for Http Services in WCF

    One of the things that caught my attention when WCF Data Service was released a couple of years ago was the ability of using URI segments for passing queries directly to an underline linq provider. This represented a very powerful feature for allowing clients to filter and manipulate a large data result set on the server side with a simple API and without incurring in any unnecessary performance penalty (the queries are performed and resolved in the data source itself most of the times) and having all that logic implemented in the service itself.