Brokered authentication for REST active clients with SAML

I have been thinking for a while about what could be a good way to support brokered authentication for active REST clients. Something I did not want to do was to force the use of WS-Trust Active profile, which is in essence SOAP based.

Some of the qualities attributes that are easy to reach with REST services, such as simplicity, interoperability and scalability can definitely be affected with the introduction of a additional SOAP stack for negotiating an identity token. WS-Trust passive requestor profile, on the other hand, was designed for dumb clients like web browsers, clients that do not have capabilities to handle cryptographic materials or the SOAP stack itself.  This profile basically hides most of the WS-Trust details from client applications through a sequence of http redirections, which could be helpful in this scenario for negotiating a token and still keep simple REST clients. However, as some user interaction is required, this profile is not suitable for consuming REST services from desktop applications or other active client applications.

If we take a deep look at the functionality provided by a Secure Token Service (STS), it is not more than a service that handle the lifecycle of a identity token, it knows how to issue a token, renew it or finally cancel it when it is not longer need it.  If we see all these scenarios from a point of view of REST, an identity token is just a resource, something that can be created, updated or even deleted. Of course, there is not any spec available yet for this scenario, all I will show here is just an possible implementation of a Restful STS.

The mapping of supported Ws-Trust actions to http verbs for my Restful STS is defined below,

  • Issue = POST, creates or issues a new token resource (A SAML token)
  • Renew = PUT, renew an existing token
  • Cancel = DELETE, cancel an existing token
  • GET, gets an existing token (There is not such thing in Ws-Trust)

I leave out the "Validate" action as part of this implementation.

What I have created for this example is a REST facade layered on top of a STS implementation with the Geneva Framework. The definition of service contract for this Restful STS for supporting that mapping should look like this,


public interface IRestSts



    [WebInvoke(UriTemplate="Tokens", Method="POST", RequestFormat=WebMessageFormat.Xml, ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Xml)]

    RequestSecurityTokenResponse IssueToken(RequestSecurityToken request);



    [WebInvoke(Method = "PUT", UriTemplate = "Tokens/{tokenId}", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml)]

    RequestSecurityTokenResponse RenewToken(string tokenId);



    [WebInvoke(Method = "DELETE", UriTemplate = "Tokens/{tokenId}", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml)]

    void CancelToken(string tokenId);



    [WebGet(UriTemplate = "Tokens/{tokenId}", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml)]

    RequestSecurityTokenResponse GetToken(string tokenId);   


As I mentioned before, the client has to first acquire a token from the STS, that can be done with a regular Http POST containing a RequestSecurityToken message.


The message embedded in the request body to the STS looks like this,

<RequestSecurityToken xmlns="">

And the corresponding response like this,

<RequestSecurityTokenResponse xmlns="" xmlns:i="">

Both calls, the first one to get the token from the STS, and the second call to invoke the service in the Relying party should be protected with transport security to avoid any middle in the man attack.

In this sample, the STS is using basic authentication to authenticate the user trying to get access to the token. If the authentication succeed, the STS implemented with Geneva will provide the necessary claims associated with that user.

The code on the client side to ask for a new token is quite simple,

static string GetToken(string address, string appliesTo, string username, string password)


    RequestSecurityToken request = new RequestSecurityToken


        TokenType = "",

        AppliesTo = appliesTo


    DataContractSerializer requestSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(RequestSecurityToken));

    WebRequest webRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(address);

    webRequest.Method = "POST";

    webRequest.ContentType = "application/xml";

    webRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);

    using (var st = webRequest.GetRequestStream())


        requestSerializer.WriteObject(st, request);



    WebResponse webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse();

    DataContractSerializer responseSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(RequestSecurityTokenResponse));

    using (var st = webResponse.GetResponseStream())


        var response = (RequestSecurityTokenResponse)responseSerializer.ReadObject(st);

        return response.RequestedSecurityToken;



It creates a new RequestSecurityToken message, provides the user credentials and post that information to the STS. The response from the STS is a RequestSecurityTokenResponse containing the issued token, that's what this method returns in response.RequestedSecurityToken.

Once the client gets the issued token from the response, it can include it as part of the request message to the relying party's service. For this sample, I decided to include the token in the "Authorization" header, which is a common mechanism to attach authentication credentials in a request message to a REST service (Basic authentication, and other authentication mechanisms use the same approach).

WebRequest webRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(address);

webRequest.Method = "GET";

webRequest.Headers["Authorization"] = token;

Now, the hard part, the Relying Party needs a way to parse the token and authenticate the user before calling the service implementation. Fortunately, the guys from the WCF REST Starter kit have provide an excellent solution for this kind of scenarios, message interceptors. What I did here was to implement a message interceptor for SAML tokens, which internally used the Geneva Framework for performing all the validations and parsing the token.  An easy way to inject message interceptors in a service implementation is through a custom service factory (Zero config deployment),

class AppServiceHostFactory : ServiceHostFactory


    protected override ServiceHost CreateServiceHost(Type serviceType, Uri[] baseAddresses)


        WebServiceHost2 result = new WebServiceHost2(serviceType, true, baseAddresses);

        result.Interceptors.Add(new MessageInterceptors.SamlAuthenticationInterceptor(new TrustedIssuerNameRegistry()));

        return result;



The "TrustedIssuerNameRegistry" is a just a simple implementation of a Geneva "IssuerNameRegistry" provider that validates the issuer of the SAML token.

All this stuff is of course transparent to the service implementation, it only receives a bunch of claims representing the user identity. Those claims can be got accessed through the current user principal. In the code below, the service generates a feed with all the received claims.

IClaimsIdentity identity = (IClaimsIdentity)Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity;

var feed = new SyndicationFeed()


    Id = "http://Claims",

    Title = new TextSyndicationContent("My claims"),


feed.Items = identity.Claims.Select(c =>

    new SyndicationItem()


        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),

        Title = new TextSyndicationContent(c.ClaimType),

        LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow,

        Authors =


                new SyndicationPerson()


                    Name = c.Issuer



        Content = new TextSyndicationContent(c.Value)



The complete sample is available to download from here. Note, it uses the latest Geneva Framework bits (And also the X509 certificates included with the samples, just run the certificate setup file included with the framework).


  • Hi Spencer,

    No, I haven't. I never had a chance to meet Hervey, I know he works on the Geneva team. It would be great to hear some feedback from him.

  • I'm working on this area at the moment and have tokens flowing, next steps are to finish the signing piece. Not much else to say (or show) as my code is built on the latest version of the Geneva Framework and that isn't public yet.

  • Sounds good. I look forward to seeing that implementation.


  • Pablo,

    This looks like an excellent post. I am JUST getting into this whole topic of claims-based authentication, so it is a little abstract right now... and now it turns out we have to support RESTful web services for communication with iPad/iPhone apps we are having built by a third-party to talk with our backend via WCF. I was not sure if this could be done without using SOAP and WS-Trust. I'm hopeful now.

    Question: Will your approach work with ADFS2?

  • BTW... I tried opening your sample solution in Visual Studio 2010 with WIF 4.0 and the WIF 4.0 SDK... and it is failing. Do you happen to have a more current version that will compile in Visual Studio 2010?

  • I am trying to compile this in Visual Studio 2010 using the WIF 4 SDK and getting errors. For example, can't find references for "var handler = FederatedAuthentication.SecurityTokenHandlers[token];" and "samlHandler.SamlSecurityTokenRequirement.IssuerNameRegistry = registry;".

    I am also getting a ton of web.config errors.

    Have you tried compiling this sample with the most recent WIF / .NET bits?

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