Code generation with T4, Entities to DTOs example

T4 is a powerful template engine for code generation shipped out of the box within Visual Studio.  It is an evolution of T3, which was initially introduced a couple of years ago as part of  the DSL toolkits and the software factories.

Today, it is getting more attention from other product teams as well, for instance, the ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework teams have recently announced that they will ship T4 templates as part of their products. That will provide a way to customize the code they are generating from custom tools or visual studio item templates.

A cool thing is that you do not need any custom tool box to automate the code generation. You can simply add a T4 template to any Visual Studio project, rename it to use the extension "tt", and visual studio will do the rest.

One of the major pains, however, is the authoring experience for creating or modifying existing T4 templates in Visual Studio, there is not built-in support for doing that.  The company where I am currently working on, Clarius Consulting, has made the best designer ever for authoring T4 templates within Visual Studio, the T4 editor. Some of the features included with this designer are syntax coloring, intellisense or code preview to name a few.

This last weekend, while I was delayed a complete day in DC for mechanical problems  in one of the airplanes, I decided it was a good moment to start playing with this technology and make something productive with my time. The result was a T4 template for auto generating a DTO (Data transfer objects) layer based on WCF data contracts from an existing entity model. Using DTOs is a common practice for transferring the state of different entities across service boundaries, they are frequently found in system designs that follow the DDD principles.

Although the resulting code is practically useless, it can be easily customized for supporting different scenarios. (Or at least, it will help to give you an idea about how this thing can be done)

The structure of a T4 template is quite simple (And somehow similar to an ASP.NET page without any control), "<# #>" for wrapping multiple lines of code or "<#= #>" for inline code, the rest of the template is treated as text.

For this example I used a model with a few entities (an anemic domain model I would say),

public class Employee


    public string Name





    public Employee Boss





    public Company Company






public class Company


    public string CompanyName





    public List<Employee> Employees






The template filters the types that have to be included in the code generating process with a Linq expression, all the entities in the "EntitiesToDTO.Entities" namespace in this case.


var entitiesNamespace = "EntitiesToDTO.Entities";

//Use another expression here to filter the entities

var typesToRegister = from t in LoadProjectAssembly(entitiesAssembly).GetExportedTypes()

                      where t.Namespace == entitiesNamespace && t.IsClass && !t.IsAbstract

                      select t;


The resulting code is also quite straightforward, it includes a partial class that can be extended to support additional mappings.

[DataContract(Name="employee", Namespace="urn:EntitiesToDTO/Entities")]

public partial class EmployeeDTO   



    public System.String Name


        get; set;



    public EmployeeDTO Boss


        get; set;



    public CompanyDTO Company


        get; set;


    public Employee MapTo(EmployeeDTO dto)


        return GetMapper().MapTo(dto);


    public static EmployeeDTO MapFrom(Employee entity)


        return GetMapper().MapTo(entity);


    public static EmployeeMapper GetMapper()


        return new EmployeeMapper();  


    public partial class EmployeeMapper


        public EmployeeDTO MapTo(EntitiesToDTO.Entities.Employee entity)


            var dto = new EmployeeDTO


                Name = entity.Name,

                Boss = EmployeeDTO.GetMapper().MapTo(entity.Boss),

                Company = CompanyDTO.GetMapper().MapTo(entity.Company),


            DoMapping(dto, entity);

            return dto;


        public EntitiesToDTO.Entities.Employee MapTo(EmployeeDTO dto)


            var entity = new EntitiesToDTO.Entities.Employee


                Name = dto.Name,

                Boss = EmployeeDTO.GetMapper().MapTo(dto.Boss),

                Company = CompanyDTO.GetMapper().MapTo(dto.Company),


            DoMapping(entity, dto);

            return entity;


        partial void DoMapping(EntitiesToDTO.Entities.Employee fromEntity, EmployeeDTO toDto);

        partial void DoMapping(EmployeeDTO fromDto, EntitiesToDTO.Entities.Employee toEntity);


The mapper (EmployeeMapper) is an additional class to handle the mappings between entities and DTOs, a mapping class per DTO is generated. As you can see in the code below, either the EmployeeDTO or the EmployeeMapper can be extended with a partial class to perform additional mappings. For example,

public partial class EmployeeDTO


    [DataMember(Name = "fullName")]

    public string FullName { get; set; }

    public partial class EmployeeMapper


        partial void DoMapping(Employee fromEntity, EmployeeDTO toDto)


            toDto.FullName = fromEntity.Name + " Foo";




The sample is available to download from here.


  • This code template is exactly what I've been looking for!!

    Is there any way it could be updated to handle Nullable data types???? Updated for VS 2010???

    Thanks for this!!!

  • This template is a huge time saver. Kudos!

    Regarding nullable types (and more generally *any* generic types), I've created the following function which will give you a C#-compatible string name for the generic type. It's recursive, so it can handle generics that are type arguments of other generics.

    private string FormatType(Type type)
    if (type.IsGenericType)
    string[] typeStrings = type.GetGenericArguments().Select(FormatType).ToArray();
    return string.Format("{0}", type.Name.Split('`')[0], string.Join(",", typeStrings));
    return type.Name;

    Depending on your needs, you can modify it to use FullName for the types instead of Name. The former includes the type's namespace.

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