Generating WCF configuration from the SO-Aware Repository

As part of the simplification in service configuration that we want to provide in SO-Aware, we have added two new commands in the PowerShell provider for generating the service configuration at design time in case you don’t want to rely on SO-Aware for resolving all that at runtime.

We have added a command for generating the configuration specific for SO-Aware

Get-SWServiceConfiguration -serviceversion "SampleService(1.0)" -configpath "d:\temp\MyConfig.config" -servicetype "Services.SampleService"

The arguments you pass to this command are the service version (A service that you already imported in the repository), the path to the configuration file, and the .NET type implementing the service. As result of executing this command, the following section will be added to the configuration file.

    <section name="serviceRepository" type="Tellago.ServiceModel.Governance.ServiceConfiguration.ServiceRepositoryConfigurationSection, Tellago.ServiceModel.Governance.ServiceConfiguration" />
  <serviceRepository url="http://localhost/soaware/servicerepository.svc">
      <service name="ref:SampleService(1.0)" type="Services.SampleService" />


That’s the configuration required by SO-Aware to resolve the service configuration at runtime.

In addition, if you don’t want to rely on SO-Aware at all, another command has been added to generate the WCF configuration section for a service. This command might also becomes handy if you want to deploy the configuration at design time in a cluster for example.

Get-SWWCFServiceConfiguration -serviceversion "SampleService(1.0)" -configpath "d:\temp\MyConfig.config" -servicetype "Samples.SampleService"

      <service name="Samples.SampleService">
        <endpoint address="http://localhost:13749/SampleService.svc" contract="ISampleService" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="basicHttp" />
      <serviceBehaviors />
      <endpointBehaviors />
        <binding name="basicHttp" />

Both commands receive the same arguments, but the generated configuration is quite different as you can see.

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