“MUrl” and “MService”, two new DSLs for REST services

Doug Purdy and Chris Sells announced today in the mix the availability of two new DSLs for RESTful services. MUrl for defining RESTful clients, and MService for defining the service implementation.

More information about MUrl can be found in the Doug’s blog, http://www.douglaspurdy.com/2009/03/20/murl-a-dsl-for-restful-clients/ . An example is also available to download from the Oslo Dev Center, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/oslo/default.aspx

MService, on the other hand, is a DSL for defining or creating RESTful services. Doug just posted new information about it, http://www.douglaspurdy.com/2009/03/20/mservice-a-dsl-for-restful-services/

The mix session where these new technologies were shown will be available soon at this location


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