The “Liike” project. Mobile Web guidance from Microsoft P&P

Microsoft Patterns & Practices has recently started a new project whose codename is “Liike” (pronounced as LEEE-keh) for delivering guidance and a reference application in the mobile web space. As many of the recent initiatives started by different teams in Microsoft, this project will also be hosted in GitHub under All the artifacts, patterns and code generated during the project will be shared as part of that project.

Html5 and the rise of mobile devices have contributed to make Web Mobile one of the hot topics nowadays. Embarking in a new project for implementing a web mobile application can be a bit cumbersome without proper documentation or knowledge of proven practices. This project will try to address many of the concerns you might have by showing different patterns or solutions that can be applied in the context of web mobile, and how those solutions get reflected in real code with the Microsoft stack. The idea is not produce reusable code, but a reference application that people can explore.

As any of projects in MS Patterns & Practices, Microsoft does not have the final word on any of the discussed topics and a lot of feedback is received. They also have a team of external advisors with a bunch of talented people that have an extensive background working in this space.

Your help is always very valuable, so you can also contribute to the project by joining to the advisory team or giving feedback through user voice here.  

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