Contents tagged with BizTalk

  • What do IBF 1.5 and BizTalk have in common?

    Version 1.5 of the Information Bridge Framework (IBF) was released last weekend and is available for download from MSDN.
    I gave it a whirl to get ready for my seminar in Austin on Wednesday and found that the description of one of the new features is a slight understatement. On the download page it says:
    A few of the improvements you can look forward to in this release are an integrated debugger, integrated XSL transformation capability
    Well, upon further examination, it turns out that the XSL transform capability is in fact the BizTalk 2004 Mapper. It's installed when you install the new Metadata designer -- free …
    Anyway … IBF 1.5 is a huge, huge improvement over 1.0. Big kudos to the IBF team.
    If you happen to be in Austin on 3/2 and you're curious about IBF 1.5, you can attend the seminar -- also free. To register, please go to the Microsoft Training Web Site ( and enter Course Code Number 303157.

  • Update: RPC/encoded still doesn't work with the October CTP bits.

    I got brave/curious/stupid/desperate after getting BizTalk to call an RPC/encoded Web service again and installed the .NET runtime distributed with the October CTP to see if that would be an option to have VS 2005 and BizTalk 2004 on the same box.
    The answer is:
    Now BizTalk is hanging again when processing an RPC/encoded response from a web service. I surely hope that the .NET Runtime team and the BizTalk team get together before Visual Studio 2005 beta 2 and hash this one out.
    The whole side-by-side concept would be really great if the entire world was running .NET. Since even Microsoft's own applications don't seem to be able to get it right, how should 3rd party developers be able to do that? The sad reality is: The world is full of legacy applications that are not ready for side-by-side installations of the framework. Quit pretending it is!

  • Side-by-side - yeah right … More BTS 2004 / Visual Studio 2005 compatibility problems

    I finally returned to that box with BTS 2004 and Whidbey Beta 1 I mentioned earlier
    I wanted to do some work on another project -one that didn't interact with RPC encoded web
    services. This time I ran into another problem. I kept getting a COM error STG_E_FILENOTFOUND whenever I ran the Web Service Deployment Wizard.
    I ran FileMon to find out what file caused the error and noticed that the wizard was loading all sorts of Visual Studio 2005 libraries. The wizard is driving Visual Studio through its automation interfaces and Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 use the same ProgIDs. I smell the scent of the days without side-by-side. So I uninstalled my precious .NET 2.0 Beta 1 and SQL 2005 Beta 2 from that box.
    The good news is:
    1) calls to RPC encoded web services no longer hang waiting for the response.
    2) The COM error running the Web Service Deploying wizard is gone, too.
    The bad news is:
    Now it get a different exception running the wizard right when if is supposed to complete:
    I am getting:
    Failed to create project "http://localhost/Process_Proxy".
    [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] The system cannot find the file specified.
    Failed to create project "http://localhost/Process_Proxy".
    [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] The item 'Service1.asmx' does not exist in the project directory. It may have been moved, renamed or deleted.
    In both cases, I do see the new virtual directory in IIS with the following files in it:
    When I open Process.csproj in Visual Studio, I don't get an error, but the project is empty, i.e. Service1.asmx is not part of the project.
    I ran repair for Visual Studio 2003 and BizTalk and re-installed SQL Server (because uninstalling SQL 2005 corrupted SQLDMO -- yes … I get it, COM doesn't do side-by-side well), but I can't get id of the error.
    I enabled tracing in the BTSWebSvcWiz.exe.config file by setting the trace switch:
          <!-- TraceLevel 0=Off, 1=Error, 2=Warning, 3=Info, 4=Verbose -->
          <add name="ApplicationTraceSwitch" value="4" />
        <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
            <add name="Trace"
              type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener, System, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
              initializeData="BTSWebSvcWiz.trace.log" />
    But unfortunately, the generated log file doesn't contain any more information than the UI of the wizard.
    I looked through the IIS logs and found that last file the wizard requests is get_aspx_ver.aspx and IIS returns a file not found 404 error:
    20:07:09 GET /Process_Proxy/get_aspx_ver.aspx 404
    20:07:09 GET /Process_Proxy/vs-136057519329675525_tmp.htm 200
    20:07:09 GET /_vti_inf.html 200
    20:07:09 POST /Process_Proxy/_vti_bin/shtml.dll/_vti_rpc 405
    20:07:09 GET /_vti_inf.html 200
    20:07:09 POST /_vti_bin/shtml.dll 200
    20:07:09 POST /_vti_bin/shtml.dll 200
    20:07:09 POST /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll 200
    20:07:09 POST /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll 200
    20:07:09 POST /_vti_bin/_vti_adm/admin.dll 200
    20:07:11 POST /_vti_bin/_vti_adm/admin.dll 200
    20:07:11 POST /Process_Proxy/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll 200
    20:07:11 POST /Process_Proxy/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll 200
    20:07:11 POST /Process_Proxy/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll 200
    20:07:11 GET /Process_Proxy/vs-134074747329675525_tmp.htm 200
    20:07:11 POST /Process_Proxy/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll 200
    20:07:11 GET /Process_Proxy/get_aspx_ver.aspx 404
    Unfortunately, requesting this file seems to be normal behavior for Visual Studio and I don't understand why the Web Service Deployment Wizard is not able to handle this properly. I also ran aspnet_regiis /r to see if that would get rid if the problem to no avail.
    Has anybody else run into that problem and successfully solved it?

  • To Side-By-Side Or Not Side-by-Side With Whidbey And BTS 2004?

    On one of my boxes, on which I was running BizTalk Server 2004, I recently installed Whidbey Beta 1. WHen I was doing some BizTalk development on that box, I noticed that BizTalk will sometimes not process any responses from Web services using the RPC/encoded message style, regardless if they are built with Apache Axis or .NET. The receive action will never finish even though the service sends a valid response.