Contents tagged with .Text

  • Adding Search to my Blog

    Important Notice:
    If you want to add this to your blog, read:

    As noted in the comments to this post, the code below violates their agreement. You can fix this by putting a Google logo of the stickers site next to your search, you can't modify the logo! If you use a search, you can only put Google on your site, not together with MSN.

    If you do all of this, you're fine. Now you have three choices:
    1. You don't care and use it like this in minmalistic form, some say your site will be removed from Google when doing so.
    2. You make the changes I just said, and everything is fine, it just doesn't look that much finished anymore :)
    3. You remove it all together. (my choice) 
    The choice is yours, never complain to me if Google removes your site :p

    Now back to the post.

    After reading Heather's post about searching and taking a look at Geoff Appleby's JavaScript function I decided to add a Search box to my blog as well.

    Here's a step by step explanation on how to add it:

    • Go to your blog's Admin section.
    • Go to Options.
    • Go to Configure.
    • Add the following to 'Static News/Announcement':
      2<input class="BlogSearch" type="text" name="searchBox" id="blogSearchText" value="" onkeypress="return blogSearch(event, this);">
      3<input type="button" value="Search" onclick="return blogSearch2('blogSearchText');" class="BlogSearchButton">
      4<script type="text/javascript">
      6function blogSearch(event, oInput) {
      7 var keyCode = (event) ? event.keyCode : keyStroke.which;
      8 if (keyCode == 13) {
      9    top.location = '' + escape(oInput.value) + '';
      10    return false;
      11 } return true;
      14function blogSearch2(oInputId) {
      15 var oInput = document.getElementById(oInputId);
      16 top.location = '' + escape(oInput.value) + '';
      17 return false;
    • Replace cumpsd with your blog url.
    • Save.
    • Admire your new search.
    If you want to use MSN as a search engine use the following code (and replace cumpsd with your own url):
    2<input class="BlogSearch" type="text" name="searchBox" id="blogSearchTextMSN" value="" onkeypress="return blogSearchMSN(event, this);">
    3<input type="button" value="Search" onclick="return blogSearchMSN2('blogSearchTextMSN');" class="BlogSearchButton">
    4<script type="text/javascript">
    6function blogSearchMSN(event, oInput) {
    7 var keyCode = (event) ? event.keyCode : keyStroke.which;
    8 if (keyCode == 13) {
    9    top.location = '' + escape(oInput.value) + '%20cumpsd&FORM=SMCA&adv_f=all&';
    10    return false;
    11 } return true;
    14function blogSearchMSN2(oInputId) {
    15 var oInput = document.getElementById(oInputId);
    16 top.location = '' + escape(oInput.value) + '%20cumpsd&FORM=SMCA&adv_f=all&';
    17 return false;
    Update: Fixed script to work with Firefox as well (removed window.navigate and fixed event parameter and keyCode)
    Update2: Added escape(), MSN version and site: restriction
    Update3: Fixed MSN version, had a typo in the function name and id
    Update4: Added important notice about Google terms. (This does mean I have informed you of it and you don't have to comment here about legal issues...)

  • How to Trackback?

    I have read Scott's post about Trackback, but I still don't get something.

    I understand how the mechanism works, but I don't get how .Text implements it.

    I realise I have to fill stuff in under the 'Advanced Options' to make Trackback work. But what do I have to fill in?

    Anyone who could help me with this?

    So far I believe that 'Source Name' and 'Source Url' is optional, but for the other three I don't know.

    One way to figure out is by testing, but I don't want to do that because if could leave a lot of Trackbacks behind on the blog I use to test it on, which probably won't be so nice.

    Anyone who could explain this?
