No Visual Studio template found error

The last few blogs that I posted about were about errors and there should be no surprise this time as I'm posting another error that I encountered today while firing up Visual Studio 2008 at home. The error that I received was, there was "no Visual Studio template found" and regardless of what framework I picked when creating a new website or project, no template was shown. Take note that I'm also using Microsoft Vista which also added to the issue (as I'll discuss in a few).

When I searched online, I found a dozen of posts from the different forums covering the error and to resolve this issue, I will need to bring up Visual Studio 2008 command prompt. This is pretty much the same as the regular command prompt but designed so that the listed directory is initiated in the installed Visual Studio 9.0 directory.

Users who are using the express edition will need to type: vcseexpress/installvstemplates (C#) while vbexpress.exe/installvstemplates for users that has VB installed. If you're using the pro edition, you will need to type in devenv.exe/installvstemplates to install the templates. While typing the command however, I was prompted by an error stating that the "requested operation requires elevation" which didn't make sense in the beginning. After a few minutes of digging in the web, I found the solution that I was looking for. You will need to bring up the Visual Studio 2008 command prompt alternatively by going to "All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Visual Studio tools and from there, you'll find the command prompt. Instead of clicking on it however, you will need to right-click it instead and run it as an administrator. This issue only occurs in Vista, so if you're using XP--you should be fine.

- Dennis


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