Category Theory via C# (6) Functor-like Tuple<>, Task<> And IQueryable<>

[LINQ via C# series]

[Category Theory via C# series]

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Tuple<> is like a functor

Tuple<> looks like the simplest functor by just wrapping a value. It is most close to the Identity functor of Haskell. Its Select functions are:

public static partial class TupleExtensions
    // C# specific functor pattern.
    public static Tuple<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>
        (this Tuple<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) =>
            new Tuple<TResult>(selector(source.Item1));

    // General abstract functor definition of Tuple<>: DotNet -> DotNet.
    public static IMorphism<Tuple<TSource>, Tuple<TResult>, DotNet> Select<TSource, TResult>
        (/* this */ IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector) => 
            new DotNetMorphism<Tuple<TSource>, Tuple<TResult>>(source => source.Select(selector.Invoke));

Now Tuple<> can be recognized functor by compiler, so the LINQ syntax applies:

Tuple<int> tupleFunctor = new Tuple<int>(0);
Tuple<int> query = from x in tupleFunctor select x + 1;

Tuple< , > is also like a functor

Tuple< , > can also be functor-like:

// [Pure]
public static partial class TupleExtensions
    // C# specific functor pattern.
    public static Tuple<TResult, T2> Select<TSource, TResult, T2>
        (this Tuple<TSource, T2> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) => 
            new Tuple<TResult, T2>(selector(source.Item1), source.Item2);

    // General abstract functor definition of Tuple< , >: DotNet -> DotNet.
    public static IMorphism<Tuple<TSource, T2>, Tuple<TResult, T2>, DotNet> Select<TSource, TResult, T2>
        (this IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector) => 
            new DotNetMorphism<Tuple<TSource, T2>, Tuple<TResult, T2>>(source => source.Select(selector.Invoke));

The Select function just apply selector with the first value, and use the second value remains. In LINQ:

Tuple<int, string> functor = new Tuple<int, string>(0, "text");
Tuple<bool, string> query = from x in functor select x > 0;

Similar Select functions can be implemented for Tuple< , ,>, Tuple< , , ,>, … too.

Laziness vs. eagerness

Unlike previous Lazy, Func<>, Nullable<> functors, there is no laziness for these 2 LINQ queries above. When queries are constructed, selector functions (x + 1 and x > 0) are already applied. Again, a tuple is just a wrapper of value(s). Computing a immediate value is required to construct each query, which is a tuple.

The following unit tests demonstrates tuples fully satisfy functor laws but are lack of laziness.

public partial class FunctorTests
    public void TupleTest()
        bool isExecuted1 = false;
        Tuple<int> tuple = new Tuple<int>(0);
        Func<int, int> addOne = x => { isExecuted1 = true; return x + 1; };

        Tuple<int> query1 = from x in tuple select addOne(x); // Execution when constructing query.
        Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted1); // No laziness.

        Assert.AreEqual(0 + 1, query1.Item1);

        // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F)
        Assert.AreEqual(tuple.Select(Functions.Id).Item1, Functions.Id(tuple).Item1);
        // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2)
        Func<int, string> addTwo = x => (x + 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        Tuple<string> query2 = tuple.Select(addTwo.o(addOne));
        Tuple<string> query3 = tuple.Select(addOne).Select(addTwo);
        Assert.AreEqual(query2.Item1, query3.Item1);

    public void Tuple2Test()
        bool isExecuted1 = false;
        Tuple<int, string> tuple = new Tuple<int, string>(0, "a");
        Func<int, int> addOne = x => { isExecuted1 = true; return x + 1; };

        Tuple<int, string> query1 = from x in tuple select addOne(x); // Execution.
        Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted1); // No laziness.

        Assert.AreEqual(0 + 1, query1.Item1);
        Assert.AreEqual("a", query1.Item2);

        // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F)
        Assert.AreEqual(tuple.Select(Functions.Id).Item1, Functions.Id(tuple).Item1);
        // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2)
        Func<int, string> addTwo = x => (x + 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        Tuple<string, string> query2 = tuple.Select(addTwo.o(addOne));
        Tuple<string, string> query3 = tuple.Select(addOne).Select(addTwo);
        Assert.AreEqual(query2.Item1, query3.Item1);

Comparing to functors in previous part, Lazy<T> is a lazy version of Tuple<T>.

Task<T> is like a functor too

With the async/await feature of C# 5.0, Select is easy to implement for Task<T>:

// Impure.
public static partial class TaskExtensions
    public static async Task<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>
        (this Task<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) => selector(await source);

Unlike any previous Select implementations, the [Pure] tag is missing. Yes, this Select is impure. As explained in another post, the await keyword will be compiled to a state machine, and executing this Select function will start the state machine. This Select function cannot be considered to be a pure function.

Purity vs. impurity

A function can be considered pure if:

  • It returns the same value when given the same argument(s).
  • It does not change state.
  • It does not cause semantically observable side effect. Every function application has side effect (like consuming certain amount of energy with the CPU), but here only semantically observable side effect matters.

Here are some examples of pure functions:

  • All functions/lambda expressions in the lambda calculus posts.
  • Math.Sin
  • Func<int> zero = () => 0
  • Func<int, bool> isPositive = x => x > 0
  • The Select functions for IEnumerable<>, Tuple<>, Lazy<>, Func<>, Nullable<>
  • The built-in query methods for IEnumerable<>

and examples of impure functions:

Purity and category theory

In a category, it does not make sense if a morphism (an arrow from one object to another object) becomes uncertain, or changes state, or causes side effects. So here in DotNet category, where morphisms becomes C#/.NET functions, these C#/.NET functions must be pure. Usually in C# programming, side effects and purity is not specially managed, but here in the category theory posts, function’s purity will be carefully taken care of.

Purity and .NET

C# language is not designed to be purely functional, neither are .NET framework libraries. To demonstrate this, an easy way is to use Mono.Cecil library:

Install-Package Mono.Cecil

Then the following function:

public static partial class ReflectionHelper
    public static IEnumerable<MethodDefinition> GetMethods
        (string assemblyPath, bool isPublicOnly) =>
            from module in AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyPath).Modules
            from type in module.Types
            from method in type.Methods
            where !isPublicOnly || method.IsPublic
            select method;

can be used to query the public methods in a library. Take mscorlib.dll as example:

string mscorlib = new Uri(typeof(object).Assembly.GetName().EscapedCodeBase).AbsolutePath;
int methodsCount = ReflectionHelper.GetMethods(mscorlib, true).Count();

There are 15627 public methods in mscorlib.dll.

The following function:

public static partial class ReflectionHelper
    public static IEnumerable<MethodDefinition> GetMethods<TAttribute>
        (string assemblyPath, bool isPublicOnly)
        where TAttribute : Attribute =>
            from method in GetMethods(assemblyPath, isPublicOnly)
            where method.CustomAttributes.Any(attribute => attribute.AttributeType.FullName.Equals(
                typeof (TAttribute).FullName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
            select method;

can be used to query pure methods of a library, that is, how many methods are tagged with [Pure] attribute in its contract reference assembly. For mscorlib.all, just query mscorlib.contracts.dll:

const string mscorlibContracts = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Contracts\Contracts\.NETFramework\v4.5\mscorlib.Contracts.dll";
int pureMethodsCount = ReflectionHelper.GetMethods<PureAttribute>(mscorlibContracts, true).Count();

The result is, in mscorlib.dll, only 1202 (about 8%) public methods are pure (attributed with [Pure] in mscorlib.contracts.dll).

Here Mono.Cecil’s AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly is used instead of .NET built in Assembly.Load:

public static partial class ReflectionHelper
    public static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> _GetMethods<TAttribute>
        (string assemblyPath, bool isPublicOnly)
        where TAttribute : Attribute =>
            from type in Assembly.Load(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(assemblyPath)).GetTypes()
            from method in type.GetMethods()
            where (!isPublicOnly || method.IsPublic) 
                    && method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (TAttribute), false).Any()
            select method;

because when getting types from special assemblies like mscorlib.contracts.dll:

int pureMethodsCount = ReflectionHelper._GetMethods<PureAttribute>(mscorlibContracts, true).Count();

Assembly.GetTypes() throws exception:

Could not load type 'System.Object' from assembly 'mscorlib.Contracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=188286aac86319f9' because the parent does not exist.

This is a demonstration of Linq to Object

One last thing to notice: in C#/.NET world, there is no analysis tools to identify the purity of any API. [Pure] is used based on manual analysis.

Purity, laziness and LINQ

When working with LINQ to Objects, one great feature is LINQ query has no side effect:

IEnumerable<int> functor = Enumerable.Range(0, 3);
Func<int, int> selector = x => x + 1;
IEnumerable<int> query = from x in functor where x > 0 select selector(x);
// At runtime, here execution of query is deferred, the selector function is guaranteed not applied.

Here the query is a cold IEnumerable<T>. selector’s application is guaranteed to be deferred because the query methods (Select/Where/… functions) are pure functions. Such purity and laziness are expected in LINQ query.

Functor vs. functor-like

At compile time, C# compiler does not have knowledge about laziness. In the case of Tuple<>:

Tuple<int> functor = new Tuple<int>(0);
Func<int, int> selector = x => x + 1;
Tuple<int> query = from x in functor select selector(x);
// At runtime, here the selector function is already applied.

Theoretically, Tuple<> is a functor (again, just like the Identity functor in Haskell). However, in these C# posts, because its unexpected behavior (lack of laziness) in LINQ query, it will only be called functor-like.

At compile time, C# compiler does not have knowledge about side effect or purity either. With the help of above (impure) Select extension method, the LINQ syntax still works with Task<T>:

Task<int> functorial = Task.Run(() => 0);
Func<int, int> selector = x => x + 1;
Task<int> query = from x in functorial select selector(x);
// At runtime, here query is not used yet, but the selector function may be already applied, or not.

This usage looks as “functorial” as any other LINQ to Objects examples. The big difference is, this query can be a hot Task<int>, and the application of selector is unpredictable. When query is created, selector may be not applied, being applied, or already applied.

Also consider the equivalent selecting/mapping of morphisms in DotNet category:

// General abstract functor definition is invalid.
public static IMorphism<Task<TSource>, Task<TResult>, DotNet> _Select<TSource, TResult>(
    this IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector)
    return new DotNetMorphism<Task<TSource>, Task<TResult>>(source => source.Select(selector.Invoke));

The new impure DotNetMorphism in DotNet category becomes an invalid morphism because of the impurity. So Task<T> is not a functor. Just like in the lambda calculus posts, this function is prefixed with a underscore, meaning it is syntactically legal in C#, but semantically invalid in category theory.

In these posts, the term “functor”, “functorial”, “functor-like” will be carefully used:

  • Something is functor/functorial: it is fully a functor and work with LINQ syntax. As fore mentioned, Lazy<>, Func<>, Nullable<> are all functors like the built-in IEnumerable<>.
  • Something is functor-like: it looks like functor and can be work with LINQ syntax for C# functor, but strictly it is not a functor. Tuple<>, Task<> are functor-like. When using them in LINQ, their behavior can be unexpected.

IQueryable<> is also like a functor

In the LINQ to SQL part, IQueryable<>’s Select extension method is used a lot:

using (NorthwindDataContext database = new NorthwindDataContext())
    IQueryable<Product> source = database.Products;
    var results = from product in source
                  select new
                      }; // Laziness

    results.ForEach(value => { }); // Execution

Or equivalently:

using (NorthwindDataContext database = new NorthwindDataContext())
    IQueryable<Product> source = database.Products;
    var results = source.Select(product => new
                    }); // Laziness

    results.ForEach(value => { }); // Execution

If looking into the implementation of Select:

public static partial class QueryableExtensions
    public static IQueryable<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>
        (this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector) => 
                    new Type[] { typeof(TSource), typeof(TResult) }),
                new Expression[] { source.Expression, Expression.Quote(selector) }));

As discussed before,  when working with IQueryable<T>, the lambda expressions are not functions but data structure - an abstract syntax tree. So that a lambda-like expression trees in the query can be compiled to something else - here a T-SQL query:

SELECT [t0].[ProductName], [t0].[UnitPrice]
FROM [dbo].[Products] AS [t0]

This is a very powerful feature of C# language and LINQ.

Hot task vs. cold task, and unit tests

The following unit tests demonstrate above Select function for Task<T> works for both hot (already started) and cold (not yet started) tasks:

public class FunctorialTests
    public void HotTaskTest()
        bool isExecuted1 = false;
        Task<string> hotTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => "a");
        Func<string, string> append = x => { isExecuted1 = true; return x + "b"; };

        Task<string> query1 = from x in hotTask select append(x);
        Assert.AreEqual("a" + "b", query1.Result);

        // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F)
        Assert.AreEqual(hotTask.Select(Functions.Id).Result, Functions.Id(hotTask).Result);
        // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2)
        Func<string, int> length = x => x.Length;
        Task<int> query2 = hotTask.Select(length.o(append));
        Task<int> query3 = hotTask.Select(append).Select(length);
        Assert.AreEqual(query2.Result, query3.Result);

    public void ColdTaskTest()
        bool isExecuted2 = false;
        bool isExecuted1 = false;
        Task<string> coldTask = new Task<string>(() => { isExecuted2 = true; return "c"; });
        Func<string, string> append = x => { isExecuted1 = true; return x + "d"; };

        Task<string> query1 = from x in coldTask select append(x);

        Assert.AreEqual("c" + "d", query1.Result);

        // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F)
        Assert.AreEqual(coldTask.Select(Functions.Id).Result, Functions.Id(coldTask).Result);
        // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2)
        coldTask = new Task<string>(() => "c");
        Func<string, int> length = x => x.Length;
        Task<int> query2 = coldTask.Select(length.o(append));
        Task<int> query3 = coldTask.Select(append).Select(length);
        Assert.AreEqual(query2.Result, query3.Result);


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