Next ProjectDistributor release

I'll be uploading the source for the next version (1.0.2) of Project Distributor on the weekend and, be upgrading the live site to run off of that version.  Here is the list of new features which appear in this release:


  • Added Subject and Name to the Feedback table.  Not sure why I wasn't capturing these?  This now enables these fields to be displayed with the comment on the pages.


  • Fixed notifications so that, comments which are added by a group member are not e-mailed to that particular group member.


  • Release List is now sorted in descending order on the Projects.aspx page so that most current releases are displayed at the head of the list.


  • AllowPublicAccountCreation property added to allow the ability to publish a ProjectDistributor publicly but have administrative control over who can create user accounts.  This property is configurable via the globalSettings in web.config.


  • Extensive range of Administration functions added for common, critical tasks such as managing Users, Groups and Roles


  • Moved the RssItem and the RssItemCollection into the Common project.  Also created an RssFeedWriter class which is in Common.  This allowed me to remove the declarative code in the Rss.aspx page out.


  • I've implemented some rudimentary UrlRewriting for groups so you should now be able to access your group via the following uri pattern:{yourGroupName}/Default.aspx


In the case of my group that would be:


You can get your group name by going to "My Groups" on the menu.



  • I've updated the lists of PrimaryPurpose and PrimaryTechnology.  The new options are (additions emboldened):



Tool, Script, Macro, Project, PlugIn, Control, Prototype, Other



ASP_Net, WinForms, WebService, Class_Library, Other


  • Implemented trackbacks.  The application can now receive trackback notifications from other applications.  For implementation details, see the new TrackBackHandler HttpHandler and the TrackingHelper classes.  Trackback notifications will now appear as feedback entries alongside comments which get left against Projects/Releases.



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