
A little while back I wrote about my intentions to create some blogging software:

Since then I've joined up with Alex and we've been working through the documentation and administrative side of things.  The good news is that this week we arrived at the name for the application: OneIsABlog

Alex is hosting SubVersion for our source control and we now have requirements documents, a data schema and some standards guidelines documents in the repository.  One of the reasons for taking the time to set up the documents and standards is that we hope that over time people will join the project team and so we've planned for it up front.

This week we are starting on the API side of the application and Alex is doing some funky prototyping for the management side of the web application.  This week I'm also hoping to work out how we will handle the unit tests and get Draco and NAnt setup for the continuous integration stuff.

The application will be written using the Dec CTP version of Whidbey and then updated for Beta 2 when it arrives.

I'll blog a little more about some of the features of OneIsABlog in the coming days.

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